About Us

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EduPedia Overseas is more than just a student’s admissions firm. We are medical doctors ourselves with 14 years of experience. We walked the same road as our students, going abroad to study. We understand the difficulty to decide whether to stay or leave the country but studying overseas is becoming an increasingly attractive option for students looking to obtain a world-class education.

Our goal is to help students making informed choices that are right for them, guiding them, as well as their parents and advisers, through the entire higher education process. Each year numerous EduPedia Overseas students go to study medicine abroad and are happy with their choice. Our current students frequently recommend our admission service among their acquaintances due to our transparent and reliable work. We have a commitment to provide an efficient admissions and application system for higher education in Ukraine.

Our medical doctors and specialists in Germany are ready to assist you regarding doctors post-graduation in Germany. We are always happy to provide a high-quality service that satisfies all customer inquiries, where and whenever required, by giving clear, accurate information and advice. Visit and speak to us personally. We give you the chance to meet our students and/or their parents.

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Without a diploma

No medical studies without a high school diploma! At some point you can no longer hear that, especially if you have the goal of becoming a doctor.

We’ll tell you how you can study human medicine abroad without taking the Abitur exam. There are many websites that offer courses for large budgets, but we in turn offer courses for the “normal people” among you.

Where mom and dad may not be doctors or lawyers. Very cliché, but you probably know what we mean by that. Costs play a huge role in the decision to study abroad, so here’s some important information: Tuition fees here range between 2,000 euros and 4,000 euros per year, depending on the university. For most providers, the tuition fee is at least 8,000 euros per year.

In Germany there is now the possibility of studying medicine on the second educational path, but you have to be patient until you have completed your training and gained several years of professional experience.

Then the hurdles begin with the admission process etc. Unfortunately, in Germany, the motivation and talent of a student doesn’t play a role – only the Abitur and the NC count.

However, we believe that everyone who is hardworking and determined to become a doctor should be given the opportunity to do so.

Second-class doctors without a high school diploma? This is just ridiculous! That would mean that every good high school graduate becomes a great doctor. The best medical colleagues I know were not high achievers in school.

They also had a very difficult time in physics, but were then able to develop their full talent in practical work.



After you have decided on a university, the whole process begins that we will handle for you:

    • We have reserved study places at the universities in advance and will immediately block a study place of your choice for you. This means that you 100% have a place at the university which we will confirm to you within 48 hours.
    • Bureaucracy (translations, health certificates, birth certificates, etc.)
    • We receive the official letter from the foreign ministry of education, which allows you to enter the country for your studies
    • We receive the official letter from the foreign ministry of education, which allows you to enter the country for your studies
    • Apply for your student visa with the document from the Ministry of Education
    • Preparations for departure


You will be warmly welcomed by our team at the airport and assigned a room in the dormitory. Of course, you will receive a SIM card to notify your family and friends straight away.

Your room will be waiting for you furnished and with WiFi.

For the first seven days you get free access to our student restaurant, where you can eat twice a day.

Then you go on a shopping spree, you get a city tour and you can buy all the things you need for your room and yourself.

Someone will always accompany you to the university for the first few days and take care of the remaining formalities, e.g. sign the university contract and dormitory contract, get a library card, take out health insurance, and get a student visa on site. And much more… but we take care of it all.


We are your mentors and accompany you through your studies, from the first day to the 12th semester.

Together we will decide which university is suitable for you and which factors are most important to you, e.g. short flight connection to Germany, lowest semester fee, international student city.

If there are any uncertainties at the university, emergencies or problems, we are at your side and always have someone on site to support you. We are in close contact with the universities in Ukraine.


Let’s say you had biology class today. In the next lesson we’ll first check what stuck with you. Questions are asked verbally or in writing. This is then graded and entered into the “class book”.

5- very good
4- good
3- sufficient
2- failed
1- failed
0- failed
After about 10 lessons or after completing a topic there is a “module”.

In this module, the last teaching topics are all asked again and this is graded. This grade is important for the final grade.

Then you have normal lessons again, until the next “module” etc.

At the end of the semester there is an exam in which all topics are tested again. But since you have always learned in chunks, it won’t be difficult for you to study for it.

If you fail a test, you have the option of arranging a meeting with the lecturer on Saturday, where you can then show again that you now have a better understanding of the topic.

There are 2 major state examinations.

The first one in the 6th semester is like the physics exam.

The second in the 12th semester, written, oral and practical.

(Don’t worry, we survived it and still have a bag of tricks with old exam questions, books, etc.)

Meet our team

Awesome people behind us.

Everett Sandoval


Georgina Wilkinson


William Taylor

Business Manager

Charlotte Webb

Marketing Manager

Don't wait to achieve your goals. Enroll now in our online course.

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